11个很棒的”+壁画 & 贝博体彩app纪念馆|贝博体彩app旅游-贝博体彩
胡安妮塔多! 在J. Manuel Carmona and Guilherme Lemes Cardose e Silva, Steiner Street at Grove
胡安妮塔多! 在J. Manuel Carmona and Guilherme Lemes Cardose e Silva, Steiner Street at Grove 图片来源:Fred Rowe

11个很棒的”+壁画 & 贝博体彩app的纪念馆

The history of the ”+ community is enshrined throughout San Francisco. 下面是我们对一些最好的壁画和纪念碑的指南.

贝博体彩app是一个城市 编织在织物中的艺术. It’s one that celebrates history and fights to preserve the unique identities of its many ‘hoods, most of which have a distinct rainbow flavor created by its huge percentage of ”+ residents and visitors. 这往往是通过丰富多彩的 街头艺术,壁画,以及指定地标.



哈维·米尔克是贝博体彩app最著名的同性恋者之一. 前市政监督员, 他是第一位当选加州公职的公开同性恋者, 1978年被暗杀, 才上任几个月. 他的故事在2008年获得奥斯卡奖的电影中被讲述 牛奶

哈维米尔克广场是贝博体彩app的 卡斯特罗 地铁Muni站. You can’t miss it: a giant rainbow flag flies above it and can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. 在附近一座可以俯瞰广场的建筑物的顶层, 米尔克的名言, “希望永远不会沉默,在每晚闪耀的明亮灯光下永垂不朽.

目前正在翻新, 哈维牛奶广场 will soon be transformed into a more lively space for events, 并向这座标志性的贝博体彩app建筑致敬. 

  • 你知道吗?? The lawmaker and ”+ rights hero is commemorated elsewhere in the city. In 2019, 贝博体彩app国际机场 reopened its refurbished Terminal 1 and renamed it the Harvey 牛奶 Terminal 1. In March 2020, the terminal unveiled a permanent display highlighting images from 牛奶’s life.


San Francisco’s ​​Department of Public Works installed the 卡斯特罗 district’s eye-catching rainbow crosswalks in October 2014. 和其他城市的彩虹人行横道很不一样, the design was decided by a public vote held earlier that year. 自拍的热门地点, you’ll find the four crosswalks at the intersection of 卡斯特罗 and 18th Street.



If you’re checking out the 卡斯特罗, do swing by 粉红三角公园. It was the first memorial in the US to the gay people persecuted by the Nazis in the Second World War. 4,占地5000平方英尺的公园坐落在卡斯特罗街车站上方, 在哈维米尔克广场对面, and features triangular granite columns dedicated to the tens of thousands killed. 该公园于2001年落成.



这幅壁画是外面的标志性作品, long-running 卡斯特罗 gay bar Moby Dick was painted by local queer artist 小谢尔盖·盖伊. It features a leather jacket adorned with pins depicting black queer heroes, 包括詹姆斯·鲍德温, 拜亚特。, 玛莎·P. 约翰逊. 你会发现它在18街和哈特福德街的拐角处, 位于贝博体彩app”+区的中心.

小谢尔盖·盖伊去年在画壁画 信贷:@antonodon


These window boards were decorated by San Francisco artist Tanya Wischerath in collaboration with the 卡斯特罗 艺术 Project and Project Artivism. 你可以在鼓起勇气沙龙理发店(4147 19th St .)找到它们.). 他们庆祝已故的活动家玛莎·P. 约翰逊和无家可归者倡导者Margo Antonetty.

Tanya Wischerath在卡斯特罗的艺术作品
Tanya Wischerath在卡斯特罗的艺术作品 提供信贷:

胡安妮塔多! 壁画

Drag queen, party impresario, activist, and philanthropist 胡安妮塔多! is one of San Francisco’s most beloved residents––so much so that she’s been celebrated with nearly a dozen different street murals!

你会发现她在SoMa(艾略特C. 内森的 爱的负荷 卡斯特罗(卡斯特罗) (J. 曼纽尔·卡), 波尔克峡谷(塞尔日·小盖伊著, 位于Fern和Polk街的Lush Lounge的外部), 格罗夫的斯坦纳街(J. Manuel Carmona and Guilherme Lemes Cardoso e Silva) and also outside the revived Love Shack by SPARC at 502 14th St. 《贝博体彩app》(又是小盖伊写的.).

胡安妮塔多! J. 曼纽尔·卡莫纳在18街桑切斯
胡安妮塔多! J. 曼纽尔·卡莫纳在18街桑切斯


San Francisco became the first city in the world to have a legally designated 变性区 in 2017 when the city approved Compton’s Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (TLGB) District. It’s in the Tenderloin, near the site of the former Compton Cafeteria. The venue was the site of an queer uprising when raided by police in 1966, 石墙事件发生前三年.

这个地区有变性人的街道标志. 最近, 当一幅大型壁画出现时,它成了头条新闻, 由艺术家Xara Thustra创作, 森门德斯, 和Kin Folkz, 写着“黑人跨性别者的生命很重要?.”

黑人跨性别者的生命很重要. 信贷:@transgenderdistrict


国家艾滋病纪念公园位于 金门公园. It was conceived in 1989 when the city was in the grip of the AIDS epidemic. It aims to provide a healing sanctuary for those impacted by AIDS and the loss of loved ones. It remains a beautifully tended woodland grotto to explore and a place of quiet contemplation. 当你发现自己走在巨大的蕨类植物的叶子下, you’ll spot the many rocks engraved with the names of those lost to AIDS.

An engraved rock at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco
An engraved rock at the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco


Like The Mission, Polk Gulch is another San Francisco neighborhood rich with street art. 它也被称为贝博体彩app的“第一个同性恋社区”,” with a thriving scene from the 1950s to the late 1970s when the 卡斯特罗 eclipsed it. 可能不像以前那么基了, 但街头艺术仍在蓬勃发展, 还有小谢尔盖·盖伊最近的作品, 等.



女子大楼 is a women-led non-profit art and education community center on 18th Street. Its three-story facade is covered in detailed artwork that celebrates women leaders and feminine icons. 题为 MaestraPeace这幅壁画于1994年由7位女艺术家完成. Besides the figures in the artwork, it carries the names of 600 women in calligraphy. 它是这座城市最大、最著名的公共艺术品之一.


号角巷 is between Mission and Valencia Streets and 17th and 18th Streets and famed for the 许多壁画. 其中许多都是政治性的, 谈到这个地区的历史, 当地拉丁社区所面临的挑战, 以及这个社区是如何变化的. 这条独特的小巷子每年吸引20多万游客.


同性恋城市 你的同志旅行指南是去同志酒吧吗, 餐厅, 酒店和事件与评论, 无论你在哪里旅行,城市里的地图和照片. 点击这里查看我们 gaycities.com.

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.