Baker Beach, one of San Francisco's top beaches.

The Guide to
San Francisco's Baker Beach


San Francisco sits on the tip of a peninsula, with San Francisco Bay to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the famed Golden Gate connecting the two in the north. That means the city has a lot of waterfront to explore. While we don't always get toasty temperatures, 我们确实有一些非常适合散步的美丽海滩, a picnic, or just enjoying the sunshine (before the fog shows up). One of the most secluded of San Francisco's top beaches is Baker Beach. 下面是你下次去贝博体彩app游览贝克海滩时需要知道的一切.

History of Baker Beach

Baker Beach is part of the Presidio, 位于贝博体彩app北端的军事基地,目前处于西班牙控制之下, Mexican, and American forces throughout its history. 从这里可以远眺太平洋,而且地处金门入口处,令人羡慕, it made for a perfect defensive position. In 1904, the U.S. 军队安装了一个巨大的50吨“消失”炮来保护城市和海岸线. 这种巨大的武器,张伯伦炮台,现在已经退役了,但仍然可以在海滩上看到. 国家公园管理局的护林员每月一次向游客展示大炮是如何操作的.

最近,贝克海滩作为著名的火人节的发源地而创造了历史. From 1986 to 1990, 第一批燃烧者聚集在一起,在海滩上创造了一个艺术乌托邦. 这项活动越来越受欢迎,现在每年都在内华达州广阔的沙漠中举行.

How to Get There

You can reach Baker Beach with San Francisco's Muni system 乘坐29号日落巴士,该巴士服务于城市的西部社区. You can also get there by taking the PresidiGo Shuttle. 这辆免费穿梭巴士穿过普雷西迪奥的树木繁茂的土地, stopping at many points of interest, including Baker Beach. 登上普雷西迪奥山路线,从靠近主草坪的普雷西迪奥游客中心出发.

你也可以通过Lyft和Uber等拼车服务去贝克海滩, traditional taxis, or by renting a car. There is parking available near the beach, 但它是有限的,在晴天往往很快就会被填满. 如果您是租车,请不要将任何贵重物品留在车内.

What to Bring

Unlike Southern California beaches, 贝博体彩app的沙地并不总是保证晴朗的天空和闷热的温度. 这就是为什么即使在我们的海滩上,最好也要多穿几层. 你还应该带一双舒适而结实的鞋子去贝克海滩, 由于有小径和楼梯,你可以爬上悬崖,探索保护海滩.

Picnicking is allowed on Baker Beach, 所以请随意从附近的里士满社区我们最喜欢的地方带一些当地美食.

Nearby Attractions

Baker Beach is part of the Presidio, an enormous national park that's full of history, art, and breathtaking scenery. The Presidio is also home to the Walt Disney Family Museum这部电影庆祝了有史以来最著名的动画师之一的生活和遗产. 

你可以通过普雷西迪奥到达金门大桥,然后步行穿过它.7-mile span to the Marin County side.

离贝克海滩不远是林肯公园,这里是 Legion of Honor. 这个艺术博物馆收藏了几个世纪以来古代和欧洲历史上的作品, 其中包括罗丹最大的雕塑收藏之一. Lincoln Park is also criss-crossed with trails 从那里可以欣赏到海湾、海洋和马林海岬的美景. 只要一定要坚持走下去,因为这些路线会绕过一些非常陡峭的悬崖.

Nearby Dining

附近的里士满区有各种各样的用餐选择, 不管你想吃什么菜,也不管你的价位是多少. Aziza (5800 Geary Blvd.) serves Moroccan fare and inventive cocktails. Burma Superstar (309 Clement St.)一直是当地人的最爱,以彩虹沙拉和samusa汤而闻名. 披萨爱好者应该挤进Pizetta 211(第23大道211号).) for a slice of their delicious thin-crust creations. Chino's (3416 Balboa St.) is said to have the best burritos in this part of town. There's even a Michelin-starred restaurant in the Mission: Wako, 一个温暖和木质的日本餐厅,提供创意和精心准备的寿司菜肴.

Tyler Cohn headshot
Tyler Cohn

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants.