我如何看待贝博体彩app: 巨人队教练Alyssa Nakken说 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Alyssa Nakken
Alyssa Nakken is the first full-time female coach in MLB history, and the first to coach on the field during a major league game.

巨人队教练Alyssa Nakken说

Alyssa Nakken is the first full-time female coach in Major League Baseball. 我们问她最喜欢贝博体彩app的什么.

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

The San Francisco Giants are a team with plenty of history: Willie Mays's famous over-the-shoulder catch, 马特·凯恩的完美游戏, 并在五年内获得三次世界大赛冠军. The Giants added to their fabled history when they named Alyssa Nakken to their coaching staff. 她本身就是一名出色的运动员, Alyssa became the first full-time female coach in Major League Baseball history. We caught up with Alyssa just before spring training began to ask her what she loves most about San Francisco.


My perfect day starts with a sunrise surf session at Ocean Beach or down in Pacifica at Linda Mar, 然后是热咖啡和自制早餐. 我喜欢去瑜伽海滩上瑜伽课. I am such a homebody, so I really appreciate spending afternoons at home either reading or writing. 有时候,我可能会找个 玉米煎饼钩鱼 在 日落 and catch the sunset 从 the dunes at Ocean Beach—with or without wine in a travel mug. 完美的一天通常在晚上9点就结束了.m.

Which San Francisco neighborhoods do you like to explore?

我可以继续说下去 外日落. I absolutely love the variety of small businesses 在 neighborhood and the fact that the ocean and 公园 两者都很近吗. 我也喜欢探索 北海滩 还有这里的美食和夜生活.

You’re the first female coach in Major League Baseball history, 鼓舞了很多有抱负的年轻女性. 你如何管理这些期望? 

I have a few values that are non-negotiables for me and that I place on myself. 我每天都挑战自己,坚持这些价值观. By doing that, I don’t get caught up in trying to be someone that I’m not.

我的价值观很简单. I have to take care of myself and control what I can 从 a physical and mental health perspective. 这包括保持身体健康, prioritizing forms of exercise that soothe any aches or pains that I have, 日志记录, 冥想, 与他人交流.

我寻求小的成功. I strive to improve my habits and processes regularly and I do everything I can to be the best teammate I can be—for our players, 给我们的员工, 给我丈夫的, 为了我的家人. 

What’s the craziest superstition you’ve encountered in baseball? 你自己也有吗? 

I’ve heard some stories of interesting requests that players have had in regards to what they have accessible to them 在ir lockers. 我并没有什么迷信. I have routines that I guess to some may be considered superstitions. [San Francisco Giants third base coach Ron] Wotus and I have a short pre-game stretch routine that we do together right before first pitch. Coincidentally, we had some pretty good games following those days we stretched.

When you need a break 从 baseball, where do you go in San Francisco to indulge your creative side? 

我沿着马路散步 地政总署径. You’re guaranteed to have your breath taken away; not because it’s too strenuous of a hike, but because the views are magnificent and so inspiring. 在我最艰难的日子之后, 我发现自己是一个人, silent walks along that trail that give me the s公园 I need to get going again.

Where and what would you choose for your last meal in San Francisco? 


What's one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about? 

这是一个很难的问题, because I don’t want this place to get too crowded–but Woods Outbound is a little bar 在 日落 with a clubhouse vibe and serves the best empanadas. They have a cozy fire pit 在 backyard and it’s so fun to s公园 up conversations with other small groups that sit out there. It sits right at the last stop of the N Judah and is a great way to either end a beach day or start out the evening.

What should baseball fans do to have a perfect day at Oracle Park? 

Get to the yard early and go straight to center field to grab a crazy crab sandwich. It will take a lot for your day to be ruined after doing that.
